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Re: German and English (was Re: Losing languages ...)

From:Roger Mills <romilly@...>
Date:Wednesday, September 24, 2003, 22:43
Rob Haden wrote:

> Here's a question: > > Does anyone know what's behind the vowel differences between German and > English cognates? For example, German "Beide" vs. English "both," "ueber" > vs. "over," etc.? I saw these words in Estel Telcontar's message and they > inspired me to ask this question. >
It's due to "Great Vowel Shifts" in both Engl. and German. There's probably a table of it somewhere; I suspect it's all rather irregular. Offhand, _beide-both_ looks similar to _Stein-stone_ which IIRC comes from Germanic *[long a]. I do know that Gmc *[long u] diphthongized > aw in both: Haus-house, Maus-mouse et al., but then there's the peculiar correspondence in-- Germ. Straum - Du. stroom - Eng. stream Traum - droom - dream Baum - boom - beam etc. and I don't recall what that reflects. As you can see, the Germ. GVS was different from the Engl. GVS.


Elliott Lash <erelion12@...>
Tristan McLeay <zsau@...>
Joe <joe@...>