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Re: Linguistic contributions to Montreiano

From:Barry Garcia <barry_garcia@...>
Date:Monday, November 13, 2000, 17:25
>I think these are very evocative names. Have you considered >Montreianising them and using them as names of localities, even >informally?
Yes, I probably will. A page I read says that each tribe's territory had a main village, and then several temporary sites. The permanent settlements will become the towns. Some Montreianized names are: Wacharon > Uacharón Kalintaruk > Calintaruc (I'm not too sure about the sounds of Ohlone (the name for the language), so it can also be: Calendaruc (as the Spanish called it) Kakontaruc > Cacontaruc Sirkhintaruc > Sarquentaruc Ekgiagan > Eguiagan Here's some neat-o linguistic info about the names above: Apparently in Ohlone, the names above have a couple of suffixes. -ta means place of. -ruc means village or home. In the Example of Kalintaruc, Kalin means ocean, -ta place of, and -ruc village, so Kalintaruc means (Place of) Ocean Village. This town was situated right at the mouth of the nearby salinas river which empties into the sea.
> > >> >> >Just waiting to be revived and borrowed into Montreiano then.
Yes. I hope they can find that Rumsien dictionary. Anyway, i've found a few words, mostly for animals in Rumsien: - Coyote: tjatjakiyamatchan /tSatSakijamatSan/ (i think). - Chicken hawk: kakon - Ocean: kalin Montreianized: - Chachakíamachan - Cacón - Calin __________________________________ L E A Ñ I O N Ò U O, U N A E Á N Ò U A