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Re: my first conlang

From:Nik Taylor <fortytwo@...>
Date:Friday, October 13, 2000, 2:51
Patrick Jarrett wrote:
> What I have planned, is an initial greeting, with different additions > depending on the situation, status and rank of the people involved.
In some cultures, who speaks first depends on relative status. Often, the person who speaks first is considered to be of higher rank.
> And there will most likely be a dozen or so of these sorts of greetings, > then I will move to departing messages.
The Kassí (at least in the Classical Period*) tend to be pretty egalitarian. There is rank, based mostly on age, and there are slaves, but free persons are basically equal. There is no gramaticalized distinctions based on rank, with the exception that Elders take the Name-Particle díz instead of tá/kús. *My descriptions are of Classical Utakassí, the speach of díz tiNlastá, the prophet who brought a new religion to the Kassí, based on revelations given to her by the Goddess. This new religion radically altered society. After the Holy Wars, many towns grew into cities, greater wealth accumulated in the hands of a few, and a more rigidly hierarchal society developed. The religion was spread, often by further Holy Wars, across a vast Holy Empire, which later fell apart, and a whole family of descendants arose.