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Re: my first conlang

From:Patrick Jarrett <syberseraph@...>
Date:Thursday, October 12, 2000, 18:31
> Sort of like "face" in some Asian cultures?
I dont know what you mean by the face. Please explain.
> I haven't even done greetings. I may borrow the Korean versions, which > render as either "Stay in good health" or "Go in good health," depending > on whether the person you're addressing is staying (e.g. if you were > visiting them and were about to leave) or going (e.g. you both met for > dinner and are going your separate ways).
What I have planned, is an initial greeting, with different additions depending on the situation, status and rank of the people involved. person a: Greetings, you who is above me Person a is below Person b in the caste system (still to be made up) and he uses a greeting which shows respect to person b person b: Greetings, you who is below me, what is it you seek? Person b responds with a semi-friendly response showing that he recognizes the lower person's presence, and the second phrase (what is it you seek) would be an "addition" for lack of a better name, showing that he is willing to help or speek to him. And there will most likely be a dozen or so of these sorts of greetings, then I will move to departing messages. Should be interesting. Patrick _________________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Get your free address at