>Hey all!
>On the Zompist Bulletin Board, Echobeats recently asked:
>> No, it's not _Dragostea din Tei_. What it is, though, I
>> have no idea. I found it among an ocean of my sister's
>> untagged music, the only tagging being "Words ni Spainish"
>> [sic], which they aren't. If anyone has any clues, I'd be
>> grateful. My best guess is Irish, but I really have no idea.
>> Yours, Tim.
>> P.S. Thanks to King for hosting it.[/quote]
>On the ZBB, we didn't know which language this could be. Guesses were
>Swedish, Norwegian, Danish, Dutch, Frisian, Estonian, Lithuanian, Breton,
>Luxembourgish, Czech, Latvian, Lithuanian or some conlang. The Swedes said
>it's definitely not Scandinavian, and it's also confirmed that it's not
>Dutch. The thread this question is discussed in is [1]. I'll leave a