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Re: OT: Question: Unicode

From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Sunday, May 18, 2003, 22:48
Mark J. Reed scripsit:

> If you include any characters whose numbers are above 255, you > technically need to declare the file to be Unicode of some variety.
AFAIK this is only true of Netscape 4.x, and is a bug. The document character set of HTML is Unicode; that is, no matter what the specific encoding, any Unicode character may be used in any HTML document. -- John Cowan "It's the old, old story. Droid meets droid. Droid becomes chameleon. Droid loses chameleon, chameleon becomes blob, droid gets blob back again. It's a classic tale." (Kryten, Red Dwarf)


Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>