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Re: Interbeing

From:David Peterson <digitalscream@...>
Date:Thursday, February 21, 2002, 5:19
In a message dated 02/20/02 4:36:23 PM, romilly@EGL.NET writes:

<< >2A) "A mata oliala imata ie kawi ae iko kapivi......  >

This is lovely.>>

Thanks! ~:D

<<It really flows.  In reading it, I tended to stick in a lot

of glottal stops on vowel-initial words, which makes it sound even more

Hawaiian, or at least  stage-Hawaiian  ;-).  Any possibility that would be a

non-phonemic feature of Kamakawi? >>

Actually, when I read it, the next vowel sort of drowns out the previous
vowel, so it comes out as:
[amatolialimatiekawiaikokapivi].  I haven't sat down and figured out rules
for the way I myself pronounce, or how I think it should be.  However, since
there really are no initial glottal stops (that phoneme surfacing as [h]
word-initially), it could be.  Or maybe it could be designated to classes.
What I noticed was that when I would put together sentences, there would be a
lot of one-letter particles in the beginning or in places, so I decided to
contract them as a convention.  So, maybe it could be like important words
(nouns, adjectives, verbs) would get the initial glottal stop so that they
stood out (especially if the accent fell on the first syllable), whereas
particles and function words would go without...  Very interesting.  You've
given me much to think about.  :)


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"The future's uncertain and the end is always near."
                --Jim Morrison