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Re: Group Conlang (was: Re: a Conlang, created by the group?)

From:Herman Miller <hmiller@...>
Date:Sunday, October 11, 1998, 0:57
On Sat, 10 Oct 1998 14:07:55 -0300, Pablo Flores
<fflores@...> wrote:

>c) Case markers are prefixed (Carlos and Mathias both proposed >this, and we the others have stayed silent), so adpositions have to >be postfixed according to b).
But my proposed system has gender/number prefixes and case suffixes. I = just didn't have time to get around to it last night.
>Finally, I think we could begin creating some words... This is >a big step, but necessary to try these wonderful theorical >structures we've made up. For my part, here are some (to be >discarded later, if you want to). > >frar- "dog" >kjak- "bite, bit" >wiv- "red" >s- "I, me, first person" >qaun- "hard, strong"
Examples for some of these might be useful, especially since "hard" and "strong" have numerous meanings in English.
>Case markers: >a- agent >pe- patient >di- predicate >ys- undergoer >mu- modifier
I don't especially like pe- or ys-.
>Other markers: >-o, -i (dummy gender markers) >-ul past tense >-e present tense > >_afraro pesi dikjakul_ >a-fraro pe-si di-kjak-ul >agent-dog patient-I predicate-bite-past >"The dog bit me"
Iin the case system I proposed that would be: a-frar-a s-u kjak-ul the-dog-agent I-patient bite-past or using -u as a perfective suffix, and putting the tense on the noun: a-frar-ul-a s-u kjak-u the-dog-past-agent I-patient bite-perfective a-frar-a s-ul-u kjak-u the-dog-agent I-past-patient bite-perfective
>_ysfraro diwive_ or _ysfraro muwive_ ? >undergoer-dog predicate-red-present or modifier-red-present ? >"The dog is red" > >Is "being red" a real predicate? Or should we use a modifier >in final (verbal) position to rended the "to be" copula?
Being able to distinguish predicates from modifiers might be useful for word order flexibility: we could say "the-dog red-modifier" for "the red dog" without having it be confused for "the dog is red".
>Note that if stems always end in a consonant as we decided, >at least a postfixed inflection will have to be added in order >not to produce invalid syllables such as _kjak_ (stops are not >allowed in syllable-final position). This should be gender for >nouns, and tense for verbs... at least a generic tense.
or aspect.
>A final example: > >jol- "leg" >la "in" (postp)
(specifically "in" as "location of action", or can it also be used for "inside"?)
>_afraro jolo la pesi dikjakul_ >"The dog bit me in the leg" > >_jolo la_ "in the leg" is before _pesi_ "me" because it's supposed >to modify it somehow (it's my leg, not anyone else's).