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Re: OT: Gaelic Help

From:Aidan Grey <grey@...>
Date:Saturday, April 13, 2002, 2:07
I should note, my offering was Irish, and Elliott's was Scots Gaelig. Two
different langs... I feel pretty confident about mine, by the way. It's
called modesty...

   I also wonder, Elliott, doesn't 'mo' my cause lenition? (I don't think
it was marked at all, but my memory could be screwy...)

    Here's a possible alternate (with a less ambiguous syntax for 'his
ransom, load')

      mo chre/achdan, an e/irig aige.

     /m@ xre.@xt.@n @ ne.rik

    (or /@ E.rik/  for Elliott's original |a e/irig|.)

    But my Scots pronunciation sucks...


At 06:42 PM 4/12/2002 -0700, you wrote:
>thanks to both of you who replied with help! > >Aidan, you gave the phonetics for your translation, but Elliott seemed a >little more sure, so I think we'll go with his. Can either of you give me >the phonetics for Elliott's translation? No rush at all, my friend would >just like to be able to pronounce it accurately as well! Thanks a million. > >Jonathan