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Re: Vocab #9

From:Douglas Koller, Latin & French <latinfrench@...>
Date:Thursday, May 30, 2002, 21:22
  Aidans lé makhlamal gamez:

> 1. bless
lufan /lu"fan/
> She blessed me softly (i.e. in a soft voice).
San lé sít vömusa-u lufan. san - she [aff., nom.] lé - past aux. sít - me [aff., acc.] vömusa-u - softly lufan - bless
> 2. curse
zvekhöl /"zvExYl/
> We cursed them quickly because they wounded us.
Makhlama lé rhethech, vaçte rheth lé makhlamach gdöl sho, azöna-u zvekhöl. makhlama - we [aff., pl., nom.] rhethech - them [aff., pl., acc.] vaçte - because rheth - they [aff., pl., nom.] makhlamach - us [aff., pl., acc.] gdöl - wound sho - marks end of a subordinate clause azöna-u - quickly zvekhöl - curse
> 3. charm / amulet / talisman / lucky charm
dzavrels /dza"v*Els/ (New)
> I made a beautifully carved amulet from the bone that I found.
Sí lé sí dzavrelsít rhöthtölölít techetnekeu chö nafsörhebsöb ai, chöböt sí lé zçírhef sho, dravnath. sí - I [aff., nom.] sí - a [6th decl., aff., sing.] dzavrelsít - talisman [6th decl., aff., sing., acc.] rhöthtölölít - carved [6th decl., aff., sing., acc.] (New) techetnekeu - beautifully chö - the [1st decl., aff., sing.] nasförhebsöb - bone [1st decl., aff., sing., post.] ai - out of, from chöböt - which, that [1st decl., aff., sing., acc.] zçírhef - find dravnath - make, do ("tíornath", "create", sounds better here)
> 4. sorcerer / wizard / magician / shaman
rézöbs /"*ezYbs/
> That sorcerer usually blesses our charms for us.
Chö rézöbs helkeb la chík dzavrelsích makhmalalích makhlamal sadné lufan. rézöbs - sorceror [1st decl., aff., sing., nom.] helkeb - that [1st decl., aff., sing., nom.] la - pres. aux chík - the [6th decl., aff., pl.] dzavrelsích - talisman [6th decl., aff., pl., acc.] makhmalalích - our [6th decl., aff., pl., acc.] makhlamal - us [aff., pl., dat.] sadné - usually
> 5. magic (n or adj)
shöbs /SYbs/
> This charm was made with magic.
Chí dzavrels hengel lét chö shöbsön dravnath. chí - the [6th decl., aff., sing.] hengel - this [6th decl., aff., sing., nom.] lét - past aux. [passive voice] shöbsön - magic [1st decl., aff., sing., instr.] (again, "tíornath" is probably better)
> or This magically blessed charm is powerful.
Chí dzavrels lufantölöl shöbhaileu hengel la daimeshul nöi. lufantölöl - blessed [6th decl., aff., sing., nom.] shöbhaileu - magically daimeshul - powerful [6th decl., aff., sing., nom.] nöi - be
> 6. rite / ritual / ceremony
kfauzçaths /"kfOC<vcd>aTs/
> She curses them in a ritual.
San la rhethech se kfauzçathsen zvekhöl. se - a [7th decl., aff., sing.] kfauzçathsen - ritual [7th decl., aff., sing., instr.]
> 7. chant (n or v)
zçaubríöman /"C<vcd>Ob*jY'man/
> She is a sorceress, and she usually chants magical words.
San la sa rézöns nöi, kfö san la sík hakfalsích shöbhailelích sadné zçaubríöman. sa - a [4th decl., aff., sing.] rézöns - sorceress [4th decl., aff., sing., nom.] kfö - and sík - indef. art. [6th decl., aff., pl.] hakfalsích - word [6th decl., aff., pl., acc.] shöbhailelích - magic [6th decl., aff.,pl., acc.] zçaubríöman - chant
> 8. bestow
teçezekh /"tECE'zEx/
> This charm bestows happiness.
Chí dzavrels hengel la chí sfalsít teçezekh. sfalsít - happiness [6th decl., aff., sing., acc.]
> 9. amazing
threvez /"T*EvEz/ (be amazing)
> Zaphod says that it is amazingly amazing!
Zafodbauths la, gü seth la threvezala-u höithrevez sho, ngamath. Zafodbauths - Zaphod [7th decl., aff., sing., nom] ("Zaphodbauths" /zaphodbOTs/ is also possible, if that what was intended) gü - "that" (sets up a subordinate clause) seth - it [7th decl., aff., sing., nom.] threvezala-u - amazingly höithrevez - be amazing [discoursive mood] ngamath - say, tell One could see errant beatnik Géarthçins in the early 60s grooving on this kind of wordplay. Nevertheless, there is a deeply, firmly historically entrenched tradition in Géarthnuns to avoid expressions like "sing a song", "dance a dance", "chanter une chanson", "jouer le jeu", etc (ain't there a word for these?). It is, in a word, *not* done. It is bad style to the extreme that most speakers consider it ungrammatical. So "amazingly amazing", really, just wouldn't occur normally. *Far* better is something like: Zafodbauths la, gü seth la vabata-u höithrevez sho, ngamath. vabata-u - wonderfully (Oh I feel *so* much better!)
> 10. prayer
thrinsemöls /"T*I~sE'mYls/
> Prayer is powerful magic.
Chí thrinsemöls la sö shöbs daimeshub nöi. thrinsemöls - prayer [6th decl., aff, sing., nom.] sö - indef. art. [1st decl., aff., sing.] daimeshub - powerful [1st decl., aff., sing., nom.] Nga síuthta, Aidans! Kou


Aidan Grey <grey@...>Vocab #10