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Vocab #9

From:Aidan Grey <grey@...>
Date:Friday, May 24, 2002, 23:11
   It's magically delicious!! (adjectives>adverbs and spiritual/magical ideas)

   More so than other topics I've presented, this exercise might require
significant tweaking on your part....

    1. bless

      She blessed me softly (i.e. in a soft voice).

    2. curse

       We cursed them quickly because they wounded us.

    3. charm / amulet / talisman / lucky charm

       I made a beautifully carved amulet from the bone that I found.

    4. sorcerer / wizard / magician / shaman

        That sorcerer usually blesses our charms for us.

    5. magic (n or adj)

        This charm was made with magic.
   or   This magically blessed charm is powerful.

    6. rite / ritual / ceremony

        She curses them every day.

    7.  chant (n or v)

        She is a sorceress, and she usually chants magical words.

    8.  bestow

        This charm bestows happiness.

    9.  amazing

         Zaphod says that it is amazingly amazing!

    10.  prayer

         Prayer is powerful magic.


nicole dobrowolski <fuzzybluemonkeys@...>
Douglas Koller, Latin & French <latinfrench@...>