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Re: Pro-verbs (was: new parts of speech/cases)

From:Shreyas Sampat <shreyas@...>
Date:Wednesday, May 1, 2002, 17:23
: Well, in Rokbeigalmki i use independent subject-tense complexes.
: Rokbeigalmki conjugates verbs (for those who haven't been here long and
: therefore haven't seen me mention this a million times already :-P ) by
: attaching a 'subject-tense complex' to the front of the verb/noun root.
: Subject-tense complexes are formed from a pronoun and a vowel/diphthong
: that carries the time meaning of the verb:

<snip interesting stuff>

That's cool.
What's the scope of these proverbs?
Like, if someone says to you, "Go wash the car, take out the trash, walk the
dog, and make me a sandwich", is it permissible to reply, "Yeah, I did",
meaning "Yeah, I walked the dog, removed the refuse, cleaned the car, and
made lunch"?
Or would you have to say "Yeah, I did that, and that, and those other

(Incidentally, I've been trying to figure out how I'm going to do this in
Coatlalopeuh; I can't have verbless forms like Rokbeigamlki does by nature
of my verb morphology.)
