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Re: need help with microtone

From:Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...>
Date:Wednesday, October 8, 2003, 19:00
On 8 Oct 2003 at 12:19, Carsten Becker wrote:

> The thing I'm worrying about most is howto find out the ration between the > sounds (cf. c:b = 15:8) and hwo to calculate the sound in Hertz**. As it > seems, exponential growth is important.
Yes. If you move by an octave (how strange a word for something normally divided into twelve, btw) up or down, you double or half the Hertz. Thus, I thínk the formula is: a = frequency in Hertz of a', in most European cases 440 o = octave number (0 is the octave for a') x = number of notes in an octave, in your case 8 n = Note Number (0 .. (x-1)), in your case (0 .. 7) h = Hertz = a * 2^(o + (n / x)) This is derived from basic math of a logarithmic scale, and things might well be wackier for music, but I don't think they're likely to get much wierder. The naming of notes as semitones is a largely semantic thing that your scheme may or may not need to take into account (e.g. x might need to be 16 or something). Paul


Paul Bennett <paul-bennett@...>