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Re: OFF: Name for a cat

From:Carlos Thompson <carlos_thompson@...>
Date:Thursday, September 30, 1999, 3:32
Pablo wrote on his new cat...

Well, my own tom is called "Tixaw", which is the NGL word for cat.  I lik=
how it sounds, but most times I just call him /!.!"!/.

The cat I had previously (well, who was born and grew up in my home) was
called "Chiquitol=EDn"... but nobody knew him that way at home.  I myself
called him "Mincho" or simply /minS/.  My syster called him "minino", jus=
as she still calls Tixaw.

Know that I think about it, I begun to dislike the Chleweyish word for ca=
"wambo".  I would thing that for my personal language cats sould have a
better word... still thinking.

Hangkerimians just call cats as KA^DO~ which is definitively a Spanish

So, what name I suggest to your new cat... T=EDyau, /!.!"!/, Minsh, Wambo=
K=E1doo (pronounce both <o> but stress the <a>), I just don't know how to
alphabetize /!.!"!/.