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Re: You meet the oddest people on the Internet

From:Doug Dee <amateurlinguist@...>
Date:Saturday, March 13, 2004, 16:12
In a message dated 3/13/2004 10:28:18 AM Eastern Standard Time,
paul-bennett@NC.RR.COM writes:

>I just got called an anti-Semite for pointing out the difference in German >between the ich-laut /C/ and ach-laut /x/, and that they're not both /x/.
>Dan/Steg/Yitzik/anyone: WTF?
>Seriously. How in the hell was that anti-Semitic?
I have no idea, so I'll engage in groundless speculation: I'm told that in Yiddish there is no /C/ vs /x/ distinction, it's always /x/. Perhaps someone reasoned as follows: You say that German (correctly pronounced) distinguishes these two sounds. Yiddish doesn't. Therefore your claim is that Yiddish is mispronounced German. Therefore your claim is that Yiddish is an inferior language. Therefore you're an anti-Semite. I don't believe it either, but it's a theory.


Dan Sulani <dansulani@...>