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Re: You meet the oddest people on the Internet

From:Danny Wier <dawiertx@...>
Date:Saturday, March 13, 2004, 16:01
From: "Paul Bennett" <paul-bennett@...>

> I just got called an anti-Semite for pointing out the difference in German > between the ich-laut /C/ and ach-laut /x/, and that they're not both /x/. > > Dan/Steg/Yitzik/anyone: WTF? > > Seriously. How in the hell was that anti-Semitic?
I've been sitting here for nearly half an hour trying to see the connection, and still I have failed. I think the person who called you that universal insult is either deluded or had a run-in with a real anti-Semite earlier today. He or she is also wrong; actually Common Germanic *h after a vowel has two allophones in German, [x] after back vowels, and [C] after front vowels (inc. Umlauts) and consonants. Dutch (and maybe the Low German dialects) don't have that allophony, I don't think. I still wonder why, however, <ch> is [C] after consonants, as in _dorch_ "through" [dO@C].


Henrik Theiling <theiling@...>