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Re: British cuisine

From:John Fisher <john@...>
Date:Sunday, March 26, 2000, 23:15
In message <000b01bf96e6$2c7b8440$2bd3183f@oemcomputer>, DOUGLAS KOLLER
<LAOKOU@...> writes

>While we're at it, how 'bout "bangers and mash"? TV Police Inspector Jack >Frost inadvertantly burns his house down leaving banges and mash on the >stove when he's called out to a case. What is it with TV Brits burning their >food? ;)
Well, I think it has to be admitted than when God was ladling out culinary skills, he mostly missed us. Perhaps the French got our share :-) And what that restaurant in Monterey serves I can't imagine... Bangers and mash is fried sausages and mashed potato. But they would have to be British sausages, which in their most common form are (when raw) pinkish-greyish flabby objects, about 3in (7.5 cm) long, filled with ground up pork and/or beef, and rusk. The good ones are really delicious, spicy and herby and meaty; the bad ones are unspeakable. ObConlang: Elet Anta for sausage: (? for help): *sausage ---no entries found--- Damn. -- John Fisher