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Re: CHAT: back

From:Wesley Parish <wes.parish@...>
Date:Sunday, August 4, 2002, 9:27
On Sun, 04 Aug 2002 17:44, you wrote:
> I'm back after two months of no internet access. I want to get another > t-shirt put together. I'm going over the old pics and taking anything I > missed. If you want to be on this shirt you can email me privately or post > here and I'll get it together. In case you don't know the phrases to > translate they are >
Well, Here goes!
> Fight Linguistic Extinction.
Fayakhero fa'ei yhe yezhech erelia.
> Invent a Language!
Fayaliyhe erelia! (yhe vala lakha)
> Fight Linguistic Extinction.
Ena a po'i nawai u anyerra
> Invent a Language!
Ulara iti anyerra a po'i ! (li' anyerra-tarah)
> Fight Linguistic Extinction.
Pokhara oro al nenos nu nersin aves ansha
> Invent a Language!
Mabaya epe aves! (nu aves khara ansha) These are the three languages related to my current novel. I appear to have decided that |anyerra| in li' anyerra tarah means language - before I had wondered which was the head of the genitive compound. |epe| in nu aves khara ansha isn't "a" - it's part of a compound word with |mabaya|, which is the generalized word for make, do, construction - |epe| on its ownsome is "conceive", and it doesn't include the otherwise obligatory |oro| you (pl).
> > I'd like to get at least twenty translations before putting up the new > shirt. > > Let me know what you think. > > Mario
-- Mau e ki, "He aha te mea nui?" You ask, "What is the most important thing?" Maku e ki, "He tangata, he tangata, he tangata." I reply, "It is people, it is people, it is people."