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Re: Copula

From:Jeff Rollin <jeff.rollin@...>
Date:Monday, March 19, 2007, 21:55
On 19/03/07, Jim Henry <jimhenry1973@...> wrote:
> On 3/19/07, R A Brown <ray@...> wrote: > > Jim Henry wrote: > > > ...If the language has a passive voice at all, that is? > > > If a language has no active/passive voice marking, > > > > Does such a natlang actually exist among nominative-accusative > > languages? (Obviously ergative languages behave differently - and, of > > course, with conlangs anything is possible). > > I thought I had heard of such a language somewhere, > but since I can't remember details it's likely enough that > I'm misremembering -- probably the languages I've > read about as having no passive voice are > ergative or active or tripartite. >
I suspect there are languages that have no passive but have free word order, since the point of a passive is to make an object topic-prominent. I can also imagine a language which is ergative/active/tripartite and has a passive Jeff -- Q: What will happen in the Aftermath? A: Impossible to tell, since we're still in the Beforemath.


R A Brown <ray@...>