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Re: Standard Average European (was: case system)

From:Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Date:Friday, April 11, 2008, 21:31
On Fri, Apr 11, 2008 at 5:16 PM, ROGER MILLS <rfmilly@...> wrote:
> 3.a possessive perfect formed with 'have' plus a passive participle (e.g. > English I have said); > ** "possessive" ???? maybe meant "periphrastic"?
I think "possessive" in this case means the use of a verb that in its non-auxiliary form refers to possession.
> 6.a prominence of anticausatives in inchoative-causative pairs;
I think this has something to do with the use of the same form in pairs like "the window broke" (inchoative) vs "he broke the window" (causative) ??
> 8.verbal negation with a negative indefinite; > **What is a "negative indefinite"?
Pronoun category. "nobody", "nowhere", etc. vs positive indefinite "somebody", "somewhere". Some languages negate predicates with negative indefinites (Russian: Никто не пришел, nobody came).
> 9.particle comparatives in comparisons of inequality; > **does this mean like "plus, más" ? Engl. and I think Germ. have both > these (more/most, mehr) as well as -er/-est forms?? Romance langs. retain a > few synthetic comparatives (mejor, mieux) and Span/Ital retain the Latin > *-issimus superlative
I think you're right about this one. Analytic vs synthetic.
> 10.equative constructions based on adverbial-relative clause structures; > **Wha??
"as X as", maybe?
> 11.subject person affixes as strict agreement markers; > **OK, but Engl. has only 3d pers. -s; distinguished in French mainly in the > spelling........
French requires the pronoun, though. Remember the Grandsirian reanalysis... -- Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>


Tristan McLeay <conlang@...>
Philip Newton <philip.newton@...>