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Re: conculture

From:Elliott Lash <al260@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 14, 2001, 22:48
aniye Adam Walker:
> My concultures and conlangs usually develop symbiotically. A new word > suggests a cultural attitude. A new bit of culture built suggests a fertile > sematic domain. That in turn further defines th culture inspiring other > vocab. Which comes first? Why the chickeggen of course! >
Speaking of such things, I recently looked into the cultural domain of music in Silinestic culture, and the result was the creation of a larger vocabulary describing various musical things: Currently there are 4 main instruments: tiuma 'lyre' (sort of like a lyre at least) gaske '4 string harp' limma/yalma 'harp' piore 'pipe' (more flute like really) lineo 'instrument' Then there's all the parts of the instruments (or, at least the ones I have so far): hwanse 'bow' tiuse 'lyre-bow' nalka 'arch, bridge' nuver 'tuning peg' sinoma 'string' Then there's all the sounds that they can make: nusse 'tone' linos 'note' linorna 'chord' lisse 'sound' linde 'music' Then there's all the verbs related to music: tiumanyello 'to play the lyre' (tiumanan, assiumanti tivietyello 'to become a lyrist' (tiviessen, assieviessi) numyello 'to tune' (nuvun, anuve) yalmeallo 'to play the harp' (yalman, ayalme) linyello 'to play an instrument' (lir, alini) And finally the agent nouns: tiumando 'lyrist' 'lyre player' tivo 'lyre player yalando 'harper' pioreindo 'flutist' gaskeo 'gaske player' So, basically my point is that I first thought of how music was to be realized in Silinestic culture, then I made the Silindion words. Elliott


Muke Tever <alrivera@...>