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Re: Trigger language?

From:Mike Ellis <nihilsum@...>
Date:Tuesday, January 21, 2003, 6:22
>How would you describe such an odd system? :-)
Might call it a "motion-based" system, or something like that. Even though, as you said, the sense of this "motion" can be metaphorical -- particularly in cases like "see" etc -- it revolves around the idea that any verb is a "motion" in which something is "conveyed" somewhere. It's a little bit like the use of local and translative cases in Omurax, although Omurax has no verbs at all. One thing I'm curious about: what role does word order play in Ebisedian? Must an origin appear before the verb, and a recipient after? Or not? Does the conveyed noun have any set position? Or is word order used to show which (if any) part of the sentence is emphasised? M


H. S. Teoh <hsteoh@...>