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Re: translation needed

From:L. Gerholz <milo@...>
Date:Saturday, October 23, 1999, 3:06
Paul Bennett wrote:
> My opinion has always been that the newgroups are there for any eejit with an > ISP to jump in and start trolling, whereas lists need a bit more effort to find > and join. The extra work required tends to discourage the ignorant, > feeble-minded and closed-minded. >
There is also the matter of moderation. Mailing lists can be moderated if anyone is willing to do the work. At least within the major newsgroup hierarchies, creation of a moderated group takes extra work, is subject to a vote, and sometimes will not pass simply because many people on the internet still subscribe to a very free-wheeling kind of atmosphere. That said, I'm on a half-dozen needlework-related lists. Those are all very pleasant and well-behaved, not the least of which is that they all boast fair-minded but tough moderators ("dictator-for-life" as one moderator says), who tolerate not the slightest hint of ill behavior. No, I'm not suggesting that we need such here. In general, this is also one of the nicest places on the net that I frequent. Laurie -- "Being bright does not grant an immunity to doing idiotic things; more like, it just enlarges the possible scope." -- Lois McMaster Bujold