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Re: OT: Musical languistics

From:Markus Miekk-oja <fam.miekk-oja@...>
Date:Tuesday, June 3, 2003, 9:03
>On Sun, 1 Jun 2003 14:16:27 EDT J Y S Czhang <czhang23@...> writes: >> "There's a rabbinical tradition that the music in heaven will be >> microtonal =)" - one annotative interpretation of Talmudic writings >- > >I don't think i've asked you about this yet... do you know what the >source for that is?
Sfas Emes - although I picked it up from the Schottenstein Tehillim (interlineary version). (I was sloppy not to check up where it was from when I told Czhang about this very interesting commentary, in one of our discussions on microtonality.) ArtScroll's Schottenstein Tehillim, 92:4, the verse being: Upon a tenstringed instrument and upon lyre, with singing accompanied by harp. The commentary doesn't use the exact word "microtonal" but talks about a "heightened form of songs" and about this not being limited to the scale of today, utilizing new tones (derived from the word "ten stringed instrument".).