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Exercise in orthographic aesthetics

From:yl-ruil <yl-ruil@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 9, 2000, 15:06
Acesto es lo missát prezeu ên carashán, cue mezai ali mei caror beis lê percei
"Conlang". Carashán se vueni de arezui, lo dinyát cue ve conyetes sê lui
Aredos. Demát ve azisero cue acesto deluojer. Otoi teano, eu vuelo cue ve
conyettues ên cuo dinyát se-dinyát-zi decca. Se jon conyete, creva-me!

There we go, a text in a hitherto unrevealed language, Carashán. No, you can't have
a translation yet- I want you to be kind and do me a favour. What language do
you think this resembles? Can you puzzle it out?

Many thanks,


I chirikleski kul chi perel duvar pe yek than

The droppings of the flying bird never fall twice on the same spot