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Re: Exercise in orthographic aesthetics

From:Patrick Dunn <tb0pwd1@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 9, 2000, 17:46
On Tue, 9 May 2000, yl-ruil wrote:

> Acesto es lo missát prezeu ên carashán, cue mezai ali mei caror beis lê percei > "Conlang". Carashán se vueni de arezui, lo dinyát cue ve conyetes sê lui > Aredos. Demát ve azisero cue acesto deluojer. Otoi teano, eu vuelo cue ve > conyettues ên cuo dinyát se-dinyát-zi decca. Se jon conyete, creva-me! > > There we go, a text in a hitherto unrevealed language, Carashán. No, you can't > have a translation yet- I want you to be kind and do me a favour. What > language do you think this resembles? Can you puzzle it out?
I'd say a romance language. Perhaps Latin. Or maybe Italian, Spanish?
> > Many thanks, > > Dan > > ------------------------------------------------------------------ > I chirikleski kul chi perel duvar pe yek than > > The droppings of the flying bird never fall twice on the same spot > ------------------------------------------------------------------ >
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