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Re: Elves and Ill Bethisad (was Re: elves and jinn (...))

From:Andreas Johansson <andjo@...>
Date:Friday, October 24, 2003, 17:24
Quoting John Cowan <cowan@...>:

> Andreas Johansson scripsit: > > > Please don't say that Kalmar broke up - it gives me unpleasant pictures in > my > > head of major earthquakes occuring where they shouldn't! > > Well, okay. But "break up" for "dissolve" is quite usual in English > for both literal and metaphorical applications. When we say that the > Beatles broke up in 1970, no actual bone fractures are contemplated, > and the song "Breaking Up Is Hard To Do" does not refer to _The > Texas Chainsaw Massacre_.
I was, in a jocular manner, pointing out that you wrote "Kalmar" (which is a city) where you ought to've written "the Union of Kalmar". I'm of course familiar with this usage of "to break up" - it just only works with the right subjects.
> > Since Finland's still in, the 1808-09 war presumably didn't take place, > which > > means there wasn't a reason for the '09 coup - > > Even without the war, an insane monarch is nothing to fool with. It's > not 100% clear from Kristian's messages whether he finally decided that > Gustav IV was directly followed by Frederik VI of Denmark, or if > Frederik took over after Karl XIII's death.
Did an "Adolf"/"Adolphus" just fall by the wayside, or did the IB king actually have another name?
> > * This guy then promptly died, whereupon, bizarrely, Jean-Baptiste > Bernadotte, > > a Marshal of France on bad terms with Napoleon, was made heir. His > descendants > > still occupy the Swedish throne. > > IB's Napoleon wasn't interested in Scandinavia (he was basically trying > to restore the Roman Empire), so Bernadotte was never a possibility.
Please explain? Putting Bernadotte on the Swedish throne was certainly not Napoleon's idea - to my knowledge he did nothing to stop it or promote it.
> Critical early messages: > > > > Some details were changed later, notably that southern Finland is > a separate country. > > Here's the full and AFAIK up to date information on > the Scandinavian Realm: > >
I'll take a look when I have the time. Thanks.
> > China? How and why did they get a foothold there? > > Amager in Denmark and Tsingdao/Qingdao/Tjingdav were swapped by the SR > and China, probably early in the 20th century. > > > (*Here*, Denmark for a while had a foothold in Guinea. I thought someone > might > > want to know!) > > It's called Gadangmeland in IB.
Cool. Andreas


John Cowan <jcowan@...>