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Re: OT-ish:Conlang Census

From:Ray Brown <ray.brown@...>
Date:Wednesday, January 21, 2004, 6:43
On Tuesday, January 20, 2004, at 05:57 PM, paul-bennett wrote:

> On Mon, 19 Jan 2004 23:04:27 -0500 "Mark J. Reed" <markjreed@...> > wrote. > >> Except individuals and churches don't get to decide what the definition >> of >> "Christian" is. :) > > Yes they do.
Well, yes, of course they do. One has only to read the literature of different groups to see that. Whether _subjectively_ one agrees with such a situation or not is one thing; but _objectively_, yes, both individuals and churches do and have done so. [snip]
>> And one could argue that Islam is a Christian denomination as >> well, since Jesus is recognized as a holy prophet and forerunner >> of Mohammed > > And Sikhs.
That reminds me of one time when we were at Mass, at the exchange of the sign of peace my wife turned round and found herself facing a large turbaned & bearded Sikh :) ========================================================================= ======== On Tuesday, January 20, 2004, at 06:26 PM, Mark J. Reed wrote: [snip]
> I would count Sikhs within the umbrella of Islam, actually. :)
Having taught both Sikhs and Muslims, inter alios aliasque, over several years now, I can assure you that is quite mistaken. (Whoever heard of a Muslim celebrating Diwali??). They are quite distinct religions. Fortunately, the relation between the two religions and with Hindus has been good in the College where I work. But I do know that, sadly, some establishments a few years back were much troubled with confrontations between Sikhs & Muslims. Counting Sikhs within the umbrella of Islam is just as misleading as counting Christians (or Muslims) within the umbrella of Judaism - or Buddhists within the umbrella of Hinduism. Ray =============================================== (home) (work) =============================================== "A mind which thinks at its own expense will always interfere with language." J.G. Hamann, 1760 =============================================== (home) (work) =============================================== "A mind which thinks at its own expense will always interfere with language." J.G. Hamann, 1760