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Re: Weekly Vocab 7 in Kash (part)

From:Garrett Jones <conlang@...>
Date:Tuesday, May 13, 2003, 23:36
   >  I'm not sure that any "typologically correct" language exists.  Even Basque,
   >  which is pretty aggressively SOV and suffixing,  has N-Adj.  Maybe
   >  Japanese??

Minyeva isn't meant to be one that could pass as a natlang if someone didn't know it
was a conlang. That is artlanging (i think?). Minyeva is a lablang, and i am
making it into my idea of an ideal language. While others may not agree with
particular aspects of it, i mean it to be "perfect" in my eyes when i'm done
with it. It is not an auxlang by any stretch, and there will probably be no
large body of speakers for it, although i do intend to learn to speak it when
it's at the stable stage. It's a philisophical language in a way, but a useable
one, in the way that lojban is.

   >  Indonesian is mostly prefixing, but still has a small number of very
   >  important suffixes and postposed particles like -pun and -lah. And at least
   >  one "adjective" that's always preposed (selamat 'good, prosperous, happy',
   >  as in selamat pagi 'good morning', selamat jalan 'good travelling, bon
   >  voyage')
   >  >There are also the factors of learnability, too... how hard would it
   >  > be for people to get used to head first compounding?
   >  Having both learned and taught Indonesian, I never found it a problem.  It's
   >  about the first, and most important, thing you encounter, and you just get
   >  used to it in very short order.

that's good to know. so what other languages do you know that have head-first compounding?