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Re: Nyenya'a & Islam

From:Frank George Valoczy <valoczy@...>
Date:Saturday, October 20, 2001, 10:09
On Sat, 20 Oct 2001, SuomenkieliMaa wrote:

> Just curious, Ferko, about how the Nyenya'a Empire > views the current state of events around the world > with Islam? > > I know nothing at all about Islam or what the Koran > says, but I've heard from the news that there exist > big differences with the way Islam is interrupted even > between the Iranians and their neighbors, the Taliban > (hence conflict or, at least, dissatification between > them). How "would" Nyenya'a factor into all this? > Have they adopted any stance? Pro-war, contra-war, > pacificist or hostile?
Well, if this event happened in *that* world (I don't know yet about the arrangement of the rest of the world). I do know that the Empire is one of the superpowers in the world, and if the US or somesuch exists *there*, and this event happened to the US, then the act would have been condemned, but at the same time, war too would be condemned. The Nyenya'a Empire has a vast and powerful army, and they exert a great amount of influence on nearby countries, so probably through pressure from the Empire, the requested individual would be extradited from "Afghanistan". But, I can't say for sure, because I don't know yet how that world is arranged. ---frank