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Re: Survey(?) of ConLangs' Calendars and Colors and Kinterms

From:Roger Mills <rfmilly@...>
Date:Saturday, October 22, 2005, 4:36
> Tom Chappell wrote: > > What kind of calendar does your conlang and/or conculture include? >
Pretty much world-wide on Cindu: their day = 25.3 Earth hours (25hrs, 18min, + a tad more). The year is 464 days, divided into 16 months of 29 days. Each month has 4 7-day weeks, plus an unnumbered day in the middle. There are 3 leap years in every 19-year period. Whether the Gwr had all this figured out back in the days when they used their octal system, I don't know.
> What set of monomorphemic color terms does your conlang and/or > conculture include?
Kash terms: Black: pambara, White: vanat, Red: çisu (violet çisombara, pink çisumik [-mik = little]); Yellow: çumo; most of the others are derived: Grey kucalom < kuni 'color' + çalom 'grey/overcast sky'; Blue: kundele ~tele (kuni + nele 'sky'), Green: kundroçe ~troçe (kuni + roçe 'sea'). kunduhu 'a red, darker than çisu' (kuni +luhu 'blood') kungoyor 'orange' (kuni + pangoyor 'an orange fruit') pangorus 'tan' (I'm not sure what this comes from, but seems to be related to 'orange'....:-(( ) luhu kavatu (blood + Kavatu) a dark red/maroon, reserved to the Kavatu royal family. Other royal families probably have special reserved colors too.
> I should also ask about kinterms, since I've posted about them > recently. >
The system seems to resemble the US system :-(( No info on the Gwr; these are Kash terms: Mother inde, Father ama, Parents indeyama; Child ana (...sinut ~andi male, ..luma ~andum female); Gdfather otama, Gdmother otinde (ot- an old honorific for elders); G-gdfather/mother otambarok, otimbarok (+marok 'old') G-G-gdparents et seq. otambarok/otimbarok sila/ha... (+ 3,4...) Brother: mambre, Sister: suya Uncle (FaBro) mambrama (brother+father), (MoBro) mambrinde; Aunt (FaSi) suyama, MoSi suwinde (suya 'sister+...') Cousin: tiça; Nephew anambre, Niece anasuya (these two aren't quite right, are they...) Husband: kaçama ~çama (person+father), Wife kaçinde ~çinde; Spouse in genl: kanjetre (agt.noun < cetre 'to marry') Foster (perhaps also step-) child: ana lolan (+protect); orphan: ana unayo (+abandoned)