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Re: CHAT illuminati (was: Back again)

From:John Cowan <cowan@...>
Date:Wednesday, September 10, 2003, 5:23
Ray Brown scripsit:

> But while I've heard of the Seven Sages of the ancient Greeks, I know not > the 'Bamboo Grove'. I seek illumination. Who are the sages and which one > am I?
From # The Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove were a group of Chinese scholars # and poets of the mid-3rd century AD who banded together to escape from # the hypocrisy and danger of the official world to a life of drinking # wine and writing verse in the country. Their retreat was typical of the # Taoist-oriented ch'ing-t'an ("pure conversation") movement that advocated # freedom of individual expression and hedonistic escape from extremely # corrupt politics. Their ideal consisted in following their impulses and # acting spontaneously. Their outstanding collective characteristic was # their sensitivity to the beauties of nature. -- You escaped them by the will-death John Cowan and the Way of the Black Wheel. I could not. --Great-Souled Sam


Ray Brown <ray.brown@...>