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Re: A sketch of Old Albic

From:John Leland <lelandconlang@...>
Date:Thursday, June 24, 2004, 17:02
I agree with Barbara in finding the conhistorical background for conlangs
(As is probably obvious from my conhistorical comments on my own langs.)
Thank you for providing more detail.
If I may say so, your Albic people seem to be the conhistorical incarnation
of a whole cluster of concepts (respect for nature, vegetarianism, relative
pacificism)  very fashionable in some circles today and sometimes attributed with
dubious historical accuracy to various premodern peoples. My feeling is that
you are probably wise to create your own imaginary culture to embody those
values rather than foisting them
onto some real people who may have been very different (as most notoriously
with the Maya).
John Leland