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Re: New conlang/conculture: Antarctican Orcs

From:Matt Pearson <jmpearson@...>
Date:Wednesday, April 12, 2000, 21:51
>>From: Padraic Brown <pbrown@...> > >>Er. The Nazgul were Men, at least three Numenoreans. Perhaps you >>mean the Uruk-hai. > >Yeah, that's it. Or whoever spoke Black Speech. (I like their style of >writing Tengwar myself...)
Sauron spoke the Black Speech, and so did the Nazgul (a.k.a. Ringwraiths, Black Riders) and a few trolls. Orcs in the service of Sauron and the Nazgul spoke a form of Black Speech, or else Orkish with liberal borrowings from Black Speech (Tolkien mentions "ghash" = "fire" as a common borrowing). As for writing Black Speech in tengwar: If you're referring to the Ring Inscription, that was fashioned by Sauron. Black Speech was not normally written in tengwar. Those Orcs who could write (very few) used runes. It's not recorded whether the Nazgul wrote in Black Speech, or if they did, what alphabet they used. (Presumably they could read and write the Common Speech and Adunaic, since they were corrupted Numenoreans.) Matt. (wearing his Tolkien-geek hat)