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Re: THEORY: clicks

From:makeenan <makeenan@...>
Date:Sunday, March 23, 2003, 13:02
>===== Original Message From =====
>> The reason I'm curious is that for my Shparress project I intend to >> shoplift some vocabulary from African languages, and I'll need to >> turn the clicks in to something else. I'm looking for a natural >> precedent to follow. > >I don't really know, though AFMCLs, Long Wer lose its click in an early stage >of its development, with changes like > >! > q [> k ] in most dialects >| > tS > dZ > >And they were lost at the beginning of the words. >--
Yep this may be a sort of answer for you even though you're asking about Natlangs. Because Ok lost it's clicks early in it's development also. The alveolar click turned into T and the uvular into K -Duke
>Mau >Ábrahám Zsófia alias Mau Rauszer >| | | >"Yú lawe ta mau yibali taqe yamissi qi u neb dagu tawiy iq." -- Kipling


Eamon Graham <robertg@...>