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Re: THEORY: clicks

From:David Peterson <digitalscream@...>
Date:Monday, October 7, 2002, 18:59
Eamon wrote:

<<1. Has anyone ever used clicks in their conlangs?>>

Me!   ~:D   I've got a new one, and it has one click [!] (post-alveolar).   I
talked to my Africanist friends in the ling. department, and they say there's
only one language that has only one click in it--most have a series.   I like
my one, though, and besides, it undergoes allophonic variation (makes a weird
change when palatalized).   I imagine it historically deriving from a
prenasalized africate of some kind (possible [ts], maybe even [ts'], like in

<<2. I only know of a few African languages that have clicks; are
there others outside of Africa?>>

I know Arabic is African, but it's not the African we're talking about.
Arabic has the [!] to mean "no".   ;)   I know it's not phonemic, but it's
neat!   ~:D


"imDeziZejDekp2wilDez ZejDekkinel..."
"You can celebrate anything you want..."
               -John Lennon


Eamon Graham <robertg@...>