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Re: measuring systems (was: Selenites)

From:J.A. Mills <xenolingua@...>
Date:Wednesday, September 30, 1998, 6:43
In a message dated 9/27/98 2:09:54 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
raybrown@CLARA.CO.UK writes:

<< >It
 >just seems like a half-baked effort.  IUnderstand the difficulty in a
 >democratic society of changing over to the metric system, but at least the
 >metric system exists.

 But the revolution didn't remain democratic - along came Boney, and
 changing time systems was not high on his agenda!

 >After all this time (ha ha), why doesn't a better time
 >system exist?



And yet I still have the same question:  conservatism is a valid posit for why
a "metric" time system is not in place; however, my question concerns why such
a system doesn't even seem to exist.  This can't be a new idea--does anybody
know of any reference works detailling such a system?  Should this become the
next conlang group project?