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Re: tolkien?

From:Jörg Rhiemeier <joerg_rhiemeier@...>
Date:Tuesday, December 9, 2003, 16:44

On Mon, 8 Dec 2003 18:12:36 EST,
"<Wilhelm Ulrich Schlaier>" <SMITHV637@...> wrote:

> i was wondering who many of you were in spired by tolkien? thats why i > started all this in the first place. and if you werent inspired by tolkien > who or > what made you start?
I did my first early ventures into conlanging before I was aware of Tolkien's linguistic inventions, though Tolkien later was a major source of inspiration to me. When I realized how much depth his world has, I wanted to create something like that myself, which included working out languages. My current main conlang project was inspired by a Tolkien fan fiction story about modern-day Elves, _Home Eleven_, which is available on the Net: It started as a modern-day descendent of Sindarin, but soon took its own path. The language family name "Quendic" was a leftover from those beginnings; meanwhile, I have dropped it in favour of the working title "Hesperic", but I still refer to the speakers of Hesperic as "Elves", even though they are ordinary humans. Greetings, Jörg.