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Re: Droppin' D's Revisited

From:Elliott Lash <al260@...>
Date:Wednesday, November 29, 2000, 20:12
Ray ániyë:

 Spanish <pensar> "to think" (the verb to which
 <pienso> belongs) is a learned borrowing; the
 regular outcome is <pesar> "to weigh."

In French too: penser vs. peser.
My Old French booklet adds that pensare was the
frequentative form of pendere: to hang, to weigh.
 So from the same origin we have: penser: to think,
peser: to weigh, and pendre: to hang. I find it a
 nice semantic shift :)) .

Well, Spanish has "ponderar", which means to make a mental measure.
Fr. pondérer, En. to ponder.  I wonder if they all come from Latin "to

 "ponder" etc. is from Latin 'pondera:re' "to weigh", which is derived from
 the noun :pondus, (gen.) ponderis [neuter] = "weight", from which we derive
 the English word "pound" (as well as 'ponderous').

What about the possibility of ponderare and pendere being related by PIE
Ponderare looks like an o-grade form with the nominal suffix -s + the
infitive ending -se. Pendere would then just be a root grade of a rood
