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Re: Weekly vocab #3

From:Jan van Steenbergen <ijzeren_jan@...>
Date:Tuesday, April 16, 2002, 14:01

1. doctor / healer        - p&#297;pak
2. medicine               - parin
3. ear                    - osu
4. eye                    - ochu
5. friend                 - sefer
6. itch                   - cmak
                            cmakaz "to itch"
                            särvaz "to scratch"
7. hurt / pain            - gnaruz "to hurt"
8. diagnosis              - diagnoza
9. cure / heal            - põpuz "to cure"
10. ill                   - palker

1. She is my doctor.
   Ad ša mur p&#297;pak.
2. _That_ is _my_ medicine, and _this_ is yours.
   Ad ulu mur parin, ha ku zur.
3. She looked in their ears.
   Aspächad ša än sojpu ospu.
4. She looked in (or tested, or..) her (someone
   else's) eye.
   Apätad ša šaju ochu.
5. Our friends are ill.
   Sõs umneš sefeš palkeš.
6. His scratch (the one on him) is worse than his
   scratch (the one he caused on someone else
   Ad šor cmak felašer du šor halner cmak.
7. Do y'all's heads hurt? / Do you guys have
   Gnarud ušpu šakpu kapua?
8. His diagnosis (that he gave) is that she will get
   Ad šoja diagnoza, ta põpsider ša.
9a. She will cure my friends.
    Põpsid ša muš sefeš.
10. I am not ill anymore.
    Ã na värkaš palker.


"You know, I used to think it was awful that life was so unfair. Then I thought,
wouldn't it be much worse if life were fair, and all the terrible things that
happen to us come because we actually deserve them? So, now I take great
comfort in the general hostility and unfairness of the universe." --- J.
Michael Straczynski

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