>...> ---- PART I Conlang Typlogic Survey 2001 ----
> Name of the participating conlang:
1) Tech
2) Elven (Quaelits)
3) Calistan
4) Orcan (Okan)
5) P (among other names)
>...> Name/id of the creators:
Daniel A. Wier, all four.
>...> Place used, if any:
1-4) the world of my RPG project in progress, City of Dreams
1) southern Caribbean
2) the Caucasus and central Asia
3) eastern Mediterranean
4) Antarctica (formerly North America and Siberia)
5) my own attempt at an IAL
>...> Web-address with more information, if any:
http://www.geocities.com/dawier (far from complete)
>...> Type of language as per Rick Harrison's system[2]:
Haven't figured out yet
>...> 1: Word order of Subject (S), Object (O) and Verb (V)
> Which order(s) is/are most common?
1) VSO
2) VSO and SVO
3) SVO
4) SVO
5) SVO
>...> Which orders are possible?
1) any
2) any
3) any
4) SVO
5) SVO
>...> Is the order different if the verb is intransitive, if so, how?
1-5) no
>...> If it doesn't apply, why?
1-3) free word order and ergative case (not in Calistan)
4-5) fixed word order
>...> ---- END part I ----
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