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Re: Conlang game idea

From:Mau Rauszer <maurauser@...>
Date:Sunday, February 23, 2003, 6:13
Zeswe Arthaey Angosii de  <arthaey@...> ta 2003.02.22. her 16:08:50 -8h:

> But personally, I'd love to give it a try. I'd even volunteer to organize > the thing. :) Any takers? >
Me! I love writing in Conlangs. And Long Wer has a pretty complete grammar on the Web and an okay vocabulary, though a lot of words stilll aren't put up on the dictionary but live in notes and paper. With topic as conculture, and the background novel's plot. -- Mau Ábrahám Zsófia alias Mau Rauszer | | | "Yú lawe ta mau yibali taqe yamissi qi u neb dagu tawiy iq." -- Kipling