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Re: vietnamese

From:Mark J. Reed <markjreed@...>
Date:Thursday, January 6, 2005, 23:57
I don't see how changing words can make the grammar seem more complex
than it is.  The description, sure, but the underlying grammar remains
the same; the terminology is pretty irrelevant to what you're describing.

Not all languages have all the parts of speech that e.g. English does,
but most seem to have some sort of distinction between verbs
(functions, methods, operators) and nouns (arguments, objects,
operands).  For those that do have such a distinction, why confuse things
by using different terminology?  Just call the nounlike things nouns and
the verblike things verbs.

Anyway, I've read a few descriptions of Vietnamese grammar.  They all
used the standard noun/verb terminology and it seemed pretty
straightforward to me.
