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Re: Tho (was: Blandness (was: Uusisuom's influences))

From:David Peterson <digitalscream@...>
Date:Monday, April 16, 2001, 5:31
In a message dated 4/15/01 10:05:24 PM, Barry_Garcia@MONTEREY.EDU writes:

<< That's OUR point. This is an informal medium, so, we dont have to use full

words and write according to what you believe is "commonly accepted". >>

That was just a joke.  I happen to disagree with that part of formal paper
writing.  I don't understand why one should exclude oneself if one writes a
paper.  After all, you're the one writing it!  But anyway, I formally
concede.  The victory is yours.  Po moyemu, "tho" hasn't been accepted since
slavery times, but do what you want: It's not my language.
