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Re: Conlangs used for instruction

From:Nik Taylor <yonjuuni@...>
Date:Thursday, February 6, 2003, 6:03
Christophe Grandsire wrote:
> It's indeed an interesting example! Academics seem to be discovering the > classics of conlanging. Maybe someday in a close future we will get other > academics who are *not* themselves conlangers make true conlinguistics > classes :))) .
This line struck me: "The good guys in his book speak beautiful languages, and the bad guys speak ugly languages," Hoyt said. I personally preferred the sound of little bit of the Black Speech we heard to the sound of the Elvish tongues. :-) The Elvish tongues were too soft to be really attractive to me. They weren't ugly by any means, of course, just sort of bland, while the Black Speech sounded cool and vibrant, with a kind of strong beauty to it. -- "There's no such thing as 'cool'. Everyone's just a big dork or nerd, you just have to find people who are dorky the same way you are." - overheard ICQ: 18656696 AIM Screen-Name: NikTaylor42


Joseph Fatula <fatula3@...>