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Re: Hiatus in Artlangs

From:DOUGLAS KOLLER <laokou@...>
Date:Friday, November 10, 2000, 11:51
From: "LeoMoser

> > In poetry it would probably be variable, since most languages have > > allowances for reduction or elongation of vowels to meet poetic > > demands.
> I wonder if this is unversally the case. It may > be largely European languages that do this. > > Do the Japanese create haiku by swallowing > syllables? > > Did the Tang poets do anything to the > sounds of characters to make them fit > poetry?
I'm no authority on either subject, but my gut reaction is to say 'no'. And since neither has an apostrophe to deal with dropped sounds à la "o'er, e'er, diff'rent, differ'nt, heav'n", etc., however would they manage it? :) Kou