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Re: My new conlang

From:Christophe Grandsire <christophe.grandsire@...>
Date:Thursday, December 13, 2001, 10:44
En réponse à Adam Walker <dreamertwo@...>:

> > I'm still not making myself clear. Too many days since I last slept. > I > mean the verbs will not permit a seond argument of ANY type. You could > not > even say "He went to the store," sine NOTHING zipo nada is allowed in > that > slot. NO arguement of ANY kind, not even in a prepositional phrase. > In > fact, IIRC, that lang didn't have prepositions. It's been a loooong > time > sice I worked on it. In Tagolog no verb *needs* two arguments. In my > lang > no verb was ALLOWED two arguments. In fact you couldn't even have a > compound subject. >
But a circonstantial complement is not a core argument of the verb! It can even be considered (as we do in French) not as an argument of the verb at all, but of the sentence itself. Do you mean a language where you cannot have more than one verb and one argument per sentence? That doesn't even sound possible to me. How would you translate: "He went to the store"? "He went. To the store went"? How can a language not accept peripheral complements in sentences? A language like that couldn't have subordination either... Christophe. Take your life as a movie: do not let anybody else play the leading role.