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Re: Transcription exercise (was: Re: Vertical script)

From:caeruleancentaur <caeruleancentaur@...>
Date:Monday, September 18, 2006, 21:57
>Remi Villatel <maxilys@...> wrote:
>During this offlist conversation, I also "built" the transcriptions >of the names of all the capital cities of E.U. that I propose now
as >a test of phonotactics in your conlangs. The Senjecans were around long before humans began to name their settlements. Therefore, the Senjecan name of a city is that of the oldest settlement in that place. If the meaning of the name is known, that is translated directly. E.g., Copenhagen means merchants' harbor, translated directly as "peercâfnas." The original name may have been that of a Roman settlement, e.g., London = Londinium = londînïas. Or there may have been an earlier name of the place before the present name was chosen, e.g., Rome = germâlas. If these are not known, then the name is rendered in the form used by the inhabitants. Finally, the name is adapted to Senjecan phonetics and put in the -as class of abstract nouns. List of the E.U. capitals: Amsterdam = ámstelufðîÿas Athens = aþênas Berlin =berlînas Bratislava = vrátislâva Brussels = vruxsêlas Bucharest = búcurêstas Budapest = acüîncas Copenhagen = merchants' harbor = peercâfnas Dublin = deep pond = tsáleÿêrlas Helsinki = helsing rapids = hélsinriÿâðrëdzos Luxemburg = lúcsemðûnas Lisbon = safe harbor = nescâfnas Ljubljana = áluvïânas London = londînïas Madrid = maþrîcas Nicosia = leúcorîÿas Paris = lutêtïas Prague = prâÿas Riga = rîgas Rome = germâlas Skopje = scûpas Sofia = serdîcas Stockholm = scíírufqêdmëlas Talinn = revâlas Valetta = valêtas Vienna = víndobônas Vilnius = vîlnïas Warsaw = vrôðnas Zagreb = andáutônïas To complete the list here are the names of the non-E.U. capitals of Europe: Andorra la Vella = sénandôras Kiev = cïêvas Minsk = menêscas Moscow =môscëvas Podgorica = dïoxlïas San Marino = sánmarïnas Sarajevo = sulphur spring = süéflaµdôntas Vaduz = fadûtsas Chisniyev = new spring = júúnaµdôntas Reykjavik = bay of smokes = smúxmoorpêlas Monaco = mónoîcas Tbilisi = warm place = pólëstîîvas Baku = baðcûbas Yerevan = érebûnïas Tirana = þerânas Douglas = dûqlas Belgrade = síngidûnas Translating these names led to some fascinating research. Thanks! Charlie