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Re: translations in Tr:pang & Linga

From:David Peterson <digitalscream@...>
Date:Sunday, October 21, 2001, 3:10
<<"Human speech is like a cracked kettle on which we tap crude rhythms for
bears to dance to while we long to make music that will melt stars."

                    - Gustave Flaubert, _Madame Bovary_>>

    Wow, this was a lot harder than I thought it'd be.  Nevertheless, it's a
beautiful sentence.  Almost makes me want to read it.  Here it is in Megdevi:

"melIs&Z ?AkinejsatuT matsali wAj x&RIts xuk&R, lIdoj klatS noj sadali
dzARoz&ZIm Camil&ZIm, rIks ?esIk&Z tarako trAliSejDat lIDoj, fAwst noj ZaDasi
dZimejzatIm, lIdoj trAtSajasA Zi SejIf&ZIm."

(1) humans, (2) the language of, (3) is, (4) like, (5) a bowl, (6) cracked,
(7) (rel)-it, (8) on(to), (9) we, (10) tap, (11) rythms, (12) crude, (13) so
that, (14) bears, (15) can, (16) dance to, (17) them, (18) whereas/while,
(19) we, (20) year for, (21) music, or to make music, (22) (rel)-it, (23)
will melt (tr), (24) the, (25) stars (acc).

    I actually left out a lot of the morphology, but I'm just so lazy!  It's
in there; -Im is an accusative marker; lI- is used for the objects of verbal
nouns and as a relative type marker; -&Z is plural.  It works.
