Geoff Horswood schrieb:
> --- R A Brown <ray@...> wrote:
>> John Vertical wrote:
>> [snip]
>>> The crutch is that Finnish doesn't really derive _sähkö_ from
>>> anywhere - it's a completely inanalyzable word with no secondary
>>> meanings, basically an a priori coinage with some vaig phonesthetic
>>> influences. I was wondering if any other natlang also does THAT.
>> An a_priori coinage? Interesting - I'm not aware of any natlang that
>> does that for electricity.
> Again, Kazakh has the word /tOq/, which is completely
> undrelated to anything and means electrical power.
> The lights go out because /tOq jOq/ - no power.
But wouldn't this Kazakh word be a borrowing of Russian _ток (tok)_